A Letter From Our Pastor
After these difficult past two years, it is great to see everyone returning to the celebration of Sunday Mass! Thank you for all you have done to support the parish over these past years.
Like our mothers and fathers who looked to the future to provide for us, it is our responsibility to lay a firm foundation of faith, generous giving and community outreach for those who come after us.
About a month ago, you received from me, our Annual Report. This showed our year in review and the ways in which we are building up God's Kingdom in our parish community and beyond. The ministries highlighted are fruits of your generosity and continued stewardship.
As we move forward, we are Respecting our Past, Serving in the Present, Growing for our Future, mindful of the necessity for a generous response to God. Our financial gifts to the parish go directly to support the work of spreading the Gospel - education of youth in Religious Education and Catholic Schools, outreach to the sick and shut-ins, the facilitation of adult formation, the upkeep of our Church, and most especially providing of the Sacraments and the preaching of the Word of God.
This work cannot be done without our commitment to be stewards of Jesus' gifts. We offer ourselves - our time, our talent and financial resources - to further the mission and ministry of Jesus.
I invite you to recommit yourselves to Respecting our Past, Serving in the Present, Growing for our Future, in offering your regular financial gift to the parish. Please review the contents of this brochure and consider how you and your family can help our parish to continue to serve God through the work of Jesus Christ. On our upcoming Commitment Weekend, March 19 & 20, you are parishioners will be asked to consider a sustained increase in regular offertory giving.
The weekly increase in offertory giving will enable us to continue to serve God through workshop, faith formation, sharing the good news of Christ, and providing community outreach. We want to assure that our parish will continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ for decades to come.
With great appreciation,
Father Frank T. Natale, MSC
After these difficult past two years, it is great to see everyone returning to the celebration of Sunday Mass! Thank you for all you have done to support the parish over these past years.
Like our mothers and fathers who looked to the future to provide for us, it is our responsibility to lay a firm foundation of faith, generous giving and community outreach for those who come after us.
About a month ago, you received from me, our Annual Report. This showed our year in review and the ways in which we are building up God's Kingdom in our parish community and beyond. The ministries highlighted are fruits of your generosity and continued stewardship.
As we move forward, we are Respecting our Past, Serving in the Present, Growing for our Future, mindful of the necessity for a generous response to God. Our financial gifts to the parish go directly to support the work of spreading the Gospel - education of youth in Religious Education and Catholic Schools, outreach to the sick and shut-ins, the facilitation of adult formation, the upkeep of our Church, and most especially providing of the Sacraments and the preaching of the Word of God.
This work cannot be done without our commitment to be stewards of Jesus' gifts. We offer ourselves - our time, our talent and financial resources - to further the mission and ministry of Jesus.
I invite you to recommit yourselves to Respecting our Past, Serving in the Present, Growing for our Future, in offering your regular financial gift to the parish. Please review the contents of this brochure and consider how you and your family can help our parish to continue to serve God through the work of Jesus Christ. On our upcoming Commitment Weekend, March 19 & 20, you are parishioners will be asked to consider a sustained increase in regular offertory giving.
The weekly increase in offertory giving will enable us to continue to serve God through workshop, faith formation, sharing the good news of Christ, and providing community outreach. We want to assure that our parish will continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ for decades to come.
With great appreciation,
Father Frank T. Natale, MSC
Parishioner Testimonials
David Monnat
Pat Henry